This Interpretive Reading activity is ideal for Intermediate Low/Mid learners investigating technology and the impacts of connected objects in our lives (telephones, vocal assistants, watches, etc.). It could be used like a Gallery Walk. All materials are provided in the Google Slides.
- Compare and contrast Francophones’ opinions on technology use
- Stimulate reactions and discussion on technology use in daily life
- Introduce/support expressions such as “il faut,” tech vocab. and the conditional mood
- Prepare students for more advanced Interpretive Reading activities
- Evidence of comprehension:
- T1:Students correctly match the written blurbs with the Francophones and their opinions.
- T2: Students support choice by citing from each blurb.
- Print (in color/more than one copy) of slides 5-9 and cut copies in 2
- I printed two copies so that students would have enough options to spread out and read on their own
- Place single pictures on tables/post to wall (gallery walk)
- Provide each student with a Interpretive Reading handout.
- Pre-read blurbs and discuss new vocabulary/expressions with partners/full class: Je pense que cela veut dire… | Que veut dire…?
- Students walk around the room and make initial guesses on blurbs/Francophones. (10 minutes minimum). NOTE ONLY NAMES!
- This can be done in groups of two w/1 paper for both students or solo.
- Students group 2-3 and discuss their initial choices.
- Distribute the full article (electronic or paper) and continue to read and add details/supporting evidence from the quotes.
- If you prefer a “shared copy” of the article, please write me.
- Discuss answers, opinions, make predictions on local opinions at different ages
Identity | Identité Values | Valeurs
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